Synthesis of algorithms of optimization and quasioptimization of space-time noise signal processing to the correlated noise in conditions of complicated motion of aviation hydroacoustic station antenna


  • И. В. Чекед Національний авіаційний університет
  • С. П. Волковецкий Національний авіаційний університет



On the basis of earlier developed approaches to optimization of space-time processing with complicated motion of aviation hydroacoustic station antenna in space the series of space-time signal processing algorithms on a background of Gaussian correlated noise were synthesized. The signal consisted of discrete components and a continuous part of a spectrum was considered


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How to Cite

Чекед, И. В., & Волковецкий, С. П. (1999). Synthesis of algorithms of optimization and quasioptimization of space-time noise signal processing to the correlated noise in conditions of complicated motion of aviation hydroacoustic station antenna. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 3(2), 160–165.

