
  • Marlen Asanov National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development , Simferopol
  • Eskender Bekirov National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development , Simferopol
  • Oleksandr Solomentsev National Aviation University
  • Maksym Zaliskyi National Aviation University



efficiency of the photocell, heating of the photocell, photocell size optimization


The incident solar radiation is converted by the photocell not only into electrical energy, but also into thermal energy, that heats its surface. Only 6 – 20% of the incident solar radiation is used by photocell to produce electricity. The remaining energy, mainly, goes into heating the photocell. The solar energy conversion efficiency of photocells decreases in case of temperature increasing. This work is devoted to reduce the photocell’s heating effect on its solar energy conversion efficiency by installing it on additional cooling surface, which serves as a radiator. Data about the amount of solar radiation, that falls per unit area of the photocell, the ambient temperature and wind speed is taken for Simferopol city. Based on the simulation results the area of an additional cooling surface is calculated. The area of additional cooling surface A' during the year changes insignificantly, and 2 – 2.2 times bigger than the area of the photocell A. The simulation data was obtained for the ratio of additional cooling surface area to the area of the photocell A'/A. This information, according to the authors, is representative, universal and suitable for further analysis.

Author Biographies

Marlen Asanov, National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development , Simferopol

Asanov Marlen (1984). PhD
Energy supply and physics department, National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development, Simferopol, Ukraine
Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2007).
Research area: Polarized radiation, alternative sources of energy.

Eskender Bekirov, National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development , Simferopol

Bekirov Eskender (1951). Doctor of Engineering. Professor.
Energy supply and physics department, National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development, Simferopol, Ukraine
Education: Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan (1974).
Research area: Alternative sources of energy, signal processing.

Oleksandr Solomentsev, National Aviation University

Solomentsev Oleksandr (1949). Doctor of Engineering. Professor.
Aviation radio electronic complexes department, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Education: Kyiv Civil Aviation Engineers Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine (1972).
Research area: maintenance, data processing, radio engineering.

Maksym Zaliskyi, National Aviation University

Zaliskyi Maksym (1984). PhD.
Aviation radio electronic complexes department, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2007).
Research area: maintenance, data processing, radio engineering.


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How to Cite

Asanov, M., Bekirov, E., Solomentsev, O., & Zaliskyi, M. (2015). REDUCING THE INFLUENCE OF THE PHOTOCELL’S SURFACE HEATING ON ITS PERFORMANCE. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 64(3), 55–59.

