
  • Н. Бахова National Aviation University



biotectonics, heat flow, non-homogeneous environment, temperature


Latitudinal climatic zoning and a relief create global temperature heterogeneities in the lithosphere top horizons. The research interest is represented by a quantitative estimation of structurally-material non-homogeneities influence on a thermal field in earth’s crust. The thermal model of Lake Teletskoye has been constructed taking into account variable rocks thermophysical properties, corresponding to experimental data about structure and capacity lithosphere, crust type. Mathematical research has been conducted on the  basis of a finite elements method Numerical calculations have been shown that distribution of temperatures and heat flows will be co-ordinated with tectonics and geological  development history of the Lake Teletskoye. Regularities in temperature isolines distribution visually show  presence of environments with different heat conductivity. Necessity of information system creation and database for dynamics illumination of geophysical fields is dictated by all history of biosphere formation. Biotectonics studying subjects are reactions mechanisms of interaction of geophysical fields and the person. The researches system scheme of active fields influences of strong and weak interaction and radiations on the person is developed


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How to Cite

Бахова, Н. (2012). THERMAL MODEL OF LAKE TELETSKOYE. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 47(2), 137–147.

