
  • Yuliana Petrovska Lviv Polytechnic National University



Antoni Popiel, Edmund von Hellmer, educational activity, Leonard Marconi, periods of studies, representatives of the art schools, Vladyslav Luchkevych, Walery Gadomski


 The article outlines creative and educational activity of Antoni Popiel, a Lviv Polytechnic professor, as well as the role of artists, who influenced on the creative work of a young sculptor. Some aspects of artistic and designer works of the architecture professor have been considered.

Author Biography

Yuliana Petrovska, Lviv Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Petrovska, Y. (2012). ANTONI SULIMA POPIEL – A STUDENT AND A TEACHER. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 51(2), 136–141.

