Thermoelastic model of carpathian region


  • Н.І. Бахова National Aviation University



dislocations, non-uniform environment, thermoelastic stresses, torsion field


 The two-dimensional thermoelastic model of Carpathian region on the basis of a numerical finite elements method is constructed. The physical and mathematical model is as much as possible approached to the real environment. Detailed high-precision distribution of thermoelastic stresses and dislocations is received. The mountainous rocks non-uniform heating and structural non-uniforms leads to considerable changes of stress fields and dislocations in Carpathian region.

Author Biography

Н.І. Бахова, National Aviation University

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How to Cite

Бахова, Н. (2010). Thermoelastic model of carpathian region. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 45(4), 118–126.

