Toxicological evaluation of pesticide impact "threshold" for different types of plants


  • А.А. Толошна
  • Т.І. Білик



пестицид, рослини, фітотоксичний ефект, хімічний захист


It was investigated influence of the not licensed in Ukraine pesticide «Barier» on the indexes of growth and development of three kinds plants: pea, lettuce and corn. It was ascertain phytotoxic effect and the pesticide effective concentration EK50. According to received information, a pea is most sensible to influence of pesticide, in that time as a corn tests selective influence, and the most impact appeared on the lettuce plants.

Author Biographies

А.А. Толошна

Магістр. Національного авіаційного університету.

Т.І. Білик

Кандидат біологічних наук. Доцент кафедри екології Національного авіаційного університету.


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How to Cite

Толошна, А., & Білик, Т. (2009). Toxicological evaluation of pesticide impact "threshold" for different types of plants. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 39(2), 88–89.

