Аnalysis of the effectiveness of countermeasures to protect the ecosystems on slopes landscapes using box models


  • В.П. Петрусенко НАУ, кафедра екології
  • Ю.О. Кутлахмедов НАУ, кафедра екології




 For the analysis of efficiency of counter-measures on defence of ecosystems  from radioactive contamination is created block-scheme  of  slope`s ecosystem. The design of processes of migration of radionuclides in slope`s  ecosystems  is conducted by the method  of box models  with the use of counter-measures.  The results of design allow to estimate and choose the optimum algorithm  of choice of counter-measures. 

Author Biographies

В.П. Петрусенко, НАУ, кафедра екології


Ю.О. Кутлахмедов, НАУ, кафедра екології

д-р біол. наук, проф.


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How to Cite

Петрусенко, В., & Кутлахмедов, Ю. (2006). Аnalysis of the effectiveness of countermeasures to protect the ecosystems on slopes landscapes using box models. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 30(4), 163–165. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.30.1404




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