New challenges for academia-economy collaboration


  • Е. K. Zavadskas
  • A. V. Valiulis



The transition period from plan to market economy requires the adaptation of higher education structure and content to new challenges and needs of developing society. The development problems of the country are inseparably intertwined with the aims of the University. Tremendous changes in economy and society, as an avalanche, has descended upon the university. Many problems now have to be solved by universities: fiindamental and applied research, know-how transfer, technical expertise, adopting of new standards, consulting, training, modern marketing and management, active participation in regional or state activities, etc. The internationalization of university, international mobility, studies of foreign languages and modernization of studies are other internal university tasks. Therefore, there is constant necessity for permanent training, development and renewing of university academic and scientific personnel


Joint Declaration of European Ministers on the European Higher Education Area. - Bologna. 19 Jun. 1999.

Law on Research and Higher Education // Documents on Higher Education of the Republic of Lithuania. Vilnius, 1991.

Gross K. A. University-Industry Collaboration for Growth of Engineering Students // Proceedings of 2nd Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education // UNESCO International Centre for Engineering. - Education. - Melbourne, 1998.

Research activities in Lithuania. Department of statistics to the government of the Republic of Lithuania. Issue code number B364. - Vilnius, 1998.

Zavadskas E. K., Valiulis A. V. The Reform and Development of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. - Vilnius: Technika, 1998. - 284 p.

Rapport a l'UNESCO de la Commission internationale sur l'éducation pour le vinget et unième siecle (Jacques Delors, president), L'éducation. Un trésor est cache dedans, Paris, Editions UNESCO/Editions Odile Jacob, 1996.


Як цитувати

Zavadskas Е. K., & Valiulis, A. V. (2001). New challenges for academia-economy collaboration. Вісник Національного авіаційного університету, 9(2), 62–67.



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