Dynamic modes of illumination in productions terms


  • І.А. Зеленков Кафедра електротехніки та світлотехніки, НАУ
  • Н.О. Вакула Інститут електроніки та систем управління, НАУ




 The method of dynamic change of illumination is considered in productions terms. The variant of change of intensity of illumination is offered during a working day, and also variant of change of spectrum of radiation of artificial source of light on the certain scenario of discoloration in the colorimetery system of RGB in accordance with the change of spectrum of radiation of a Sun.

Author Biography

І.А. Зеленков, Кафедра електротехніки та світлотехніки, НАУ

канд. техн. наук


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How to Cite

Зеленков, І., & Вакула, Н. (2005). Dynamic modes of illumination in productions terms. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 25(3), 184–187. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.25.1186

