Human factor and neutralization deviсe «Gamma-7.N»
In article presents the analysis of the negative influencing of electromagnetic radiation of the field power level by frequency over 10 GGts. The appraised possibility of human brain and central nervous system in whole "review", that can generate unrealised human errors in extremely responsible professional activity, is evaluated. Some measures of defence from such negative influencing in the region of anomalies of foregoing radiations already at the level of cages of organs and systems of human organism are described. The results of investigations are founded on the base of scientific experimental researches.
Денисов С.Г., Дубровин Л.Д., Зубарев А.Ф., Щебланов В.Ю. Внимание! Электромагнитная опасность и защита человека. – М.: МГУ, 2003. –112 с.