
  • Антон Миколайович Олексійчук NTUU «KPI»
  • Сергій Миколайович Конюшок NTUU «KPI»
  • Артем Юрійович Сторожук NTUU «KPI»



stream cipher, non-linear cryptanalysis, correlation attack, k -dimensional Boolean function, fast algorithm, finding approximations of Boolean functions


Finding Boolean functions’ approximations in certainclasses of functions with a simple structure, is a traditionaltask in symmetric cryptography. In particular, correlationattacks on stream ciphers need to find approximations ofn -variable Boolean functions by k -dimensional functions,i.e., the functions, which are affine equivalent tofunctions of k  n variables. Main result of this paper isan algorithm for constructing a list of all k -dimensionalfunctions of degree at most d at relative distance notmore than 2 (1) dfrom a given Boolean function of nvariables, defined by the truth table, 1 d  k  n , (0,1) . The proposed algorithm is more efficient thanthe best previously known (in some cases – to 1000 timesand more) and can be used in practice while studying thecorrelation properties of stream cipher’ complicatingfunctions.

Author Biographies

Антон Миколайович Олексійчук, NTUU «KPI»

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Institute of Special Communication and Information Security

Сергій Миколайович Конюшок, NTUU «KPI»

Candidate of Technical Science, docent, vice-head of Institute of Special Communication and Information Security

Артем Юрійович Сторожук, NTUU «KPI»

post-graduate student of Institute of Special Communication  and Information Security


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