Method for encoding video information safety improvement aeromonitoring emergency


  • Володимир Вікторович Бараннік Харківський університет Повітряних Сил імені Івана Кожедуба.
  • Олег Сергійович Куліца Академія пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля, м. Черкаси



differential representation, perforated polyadic space, combinatorial redundancy, the binary mask


A study of the conditions of operation using on-board video monitoring systems in the process of prevention and crisis management . Identifies the factors shaping the threat to disrupt the properties of availability and integrity of video aeromonitoring as categories of information secu­rity. This leads to the obsolescence of the information ob­tained , and the belated adoption of wrong decisions. Shows the actual increase security video aeromonitoring in the prevention and management of crisis situations. It is proved that the solution of this problem are encouraged to use compression for the video encoding technology. We justify the choice of image compression technology. It is shown that to avoid the disadvantages associated with a decrease in the lower limit of the differential Polyadic space required for perforating technology further consider the bi­nary mask wavelet elements of the upper and lower levels. The principal stages of image coding method to improve the accessibility of video , which is based on : a differential representation of the images by a combined scheme , the organization perforation arrays in a two-dimensional rep­resentation of the differential Polyadic space , mask presen­tation of arrays of elements of the upper level of the per­foration in the differential Polyadic space that provides an additional reduction of the combinatorial redundancy , one-dimensional coding block diagram. We present exper­imental evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed method with existing methods in the class of controlled loss of quality.

Author Biographies

Володимир Вікторович Бараннік, Харківський університет Повітряних Сил імені Івана Кожедуба.

Doctor of Science (eng.), Professor, chief of chair, Kharkov University of Aircraft of the name ofIvan Kozhedub.

Олег Сергійович Куліца, Академія пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля, м. Черкаси

associate, Academy of Fire Safety named Heroes of Chernobyl, Cherkasy.


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