Flowsheet processing secure voice traffic using incoherent reception


  • Веніамін Валерійович Антонов Національний авіаційний університет




Aircraft radio, voice traffic, coding incoherent modem connection, cryptographic algoridims vocoder


The paper raised and resolved problems related to the creation and performance evaluation procedures vokal incoherent acceptance speech signals in terms of various destabilizing factors. An analytical study proved the ap­plicability of narrowband communication systems inco­herent CHFM modem diat does not require using devices of phase synchronization at the same time provides the necessary for normal functioning vocoder speed and qual­ity transmission of voice traffic. Improved technological protection scheme parameter passing vokal voice infor­mation through a standard aircraft radio. Process im­provement is die replacement of coherent transmission system vokal incoherent speech signals modem connec­tion, which does not permit use of phase synchronization of devices and eliminates die cause of instability in die organization of sessions. As an integral element vokoder's technology applied procedures incoherent reception vokal speech signals.

Author Biography

Веніамін Валерійович Антонов, Національний авіаційний університет

Senior Lecturer, Department of Telecommunication Systems National Aviation University.


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