Heuristic rules based on logical & linguistic connection to detect and identify information security intruders


  • Анна Олександрівна Корченко Національний авіаційний університет
  • Андрій Іванович Гізун Національний авіаційний університет
  • Владислава Вікторівна Волянська Apogeum Sp. z o.o. Poland
  • Олексій Вадимович Гавриленко Національний авіаційний університет




intruder detection systems, information security intruder, identification, anomaly detection in information systems, fuzzy logic, basic intruder identification model, logical and linguistic connection, heuristic rules, expert estimation


Most of existed intruder detection systems based on heu­ristic principle of information security violation detection and oriented on using mathematical models which need a lot time for statistical data preparation. Mathematical models based on expert approach are more effective but

they need adequate rules for decision making. For this problem solving in die paper the model of heuristic rules based on fuzzy logic was proposed. This model uses plu­rals "intruder influence - parameter", "intruder influence — set of logical & linguistic connection" and universal model of parameter etalons and allows to display in in­formation system some anomaly generated by influence of some category intruder. On the basis of this model were developed the examples of rules for detection the activity of such categories of intruders as misinformer, hacker, cracker, spammer, bot-braker and spamm-bot. These can be used in practice for the perfection of real intruder detection systems in information systems.

Author Biographies

Анна Олександрівна Корченко, Національний авіаційний університет

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Андрій Іванович Гізун, Національний авіаційний університет

Assistant of Academic Department of IT- security, National Aviation University

Владислава Вікторівна Волянська, Apogeum Sp. z o.o. Poland

IT-manager Apogeum Sp. z o.o. Poland

Олексій Вадимович Гавриленко, Національний авіаційний університет

PhD. in Eng., Associate Professor of the Academic Department of IT-security, National Aviation University.


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