The system development of fuzzy standards of network parameters


  • Анна Олександрівна Корченко Національний авіаційний університет



cyber attacks, anomalies, intrusion detection systems, anomaly detection systems, attack detection, anomaly detection in computer networks, fuzzy standards


Based on the well-known anomaly detection techniques caused by the cyber —attacks, it was developed an appro­priate system which requires the implementation of fuzzy standards focused on the measurement of current param­eter value of the network traffic in order to identify suspi­cious activity in the Knvironment. To solve this task it was suggested a new structural decision of the corre­sponding system, consisting of the register of standards, attacks and parameters, as well as blocks of switching parameters, linking the attack to the parameter, die devel­opment of set of terms, the development of standards, register of standards and the processor of standards visu­alization. This development can be implemented through the software or firmware, hardware and focused on die measurement of current values of parameters in the net­work traffic in order to identify an abnormal condition.

Author Biography

Анна Олександрівна Корченко, Національний авіаційний університет

PhD in Kng, Associate Professor of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).


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