Encoding method of dinamik image stationary background in infocommunication system


  • Володимир Вікторович Бараннік Харківський університет Повітряних Сііл ім. І. Кожедуба.
  • Альберт Анатолійович Леках Харківський університет Повітряних Сііл ім. І. Кожедуба.
  • Борис Володимирович Остроумов НВП «Об'єднання Комунар»




differential presented frame, alphabet code of size, the binary mask of the predicted frame, the dynamic component, a stationary background


In order to improve the performance of communication systems is necessary to improve the compression tech­nology of dynamic images. Therefore justified the basic principles of a compression method of dynamic images of stationary background in information and communication systems on the basis of the formation of differential rep­resented by the frame. In order to identify the dynamic component of the threshold set out the terms of use fil­tration differential represented the frame. The technology of splitting differentially represented on the frame com­ponents: the dynamic component, a binary mask station­ary background and an array of characters. The technolo­gy of processing dynamic component, conducted on the basis of a one-dimensional position-encoding with adap­tive selection of the base. The basic steps of the method of processing the binary mask differentially represented by the frame, carried out on the basis of coding capacity of the two lengths of the binary alphabet series. Con­structed a matrix decoding technology signs, implemented on the basis of coding capacity alphabet with the structur­al similarity with the matrix of the binary mask. It is shown that the developed coding methods provide the potential for further reduction in volume and increasing die compression of dynamic images stationary back­ground, which generally leads to a reduction of processing time in information and communication systems.

Author Biographies

Володимир Вікторович Бараннік, Харківський університет Повітряних Сііл ім. І. Кожедуба.

doctor of technical sciences, profes­sor. Kharkov I. Kozhedub Air Force University. Head of the Department.

Альберт Анатолійович Леках, Харківський університет Повітряних Сііл ім. І. Кожедуба.

Scientist, Kharkov I. Kozhedu Air Force University.

Борис Володимирович Остроумов, НВП «Об'єднання Комунар»

Deserved machine builder of Ukraine, candidate of engineering sciences. Chief of research de­partment «POLISVIT» - «Association Communard».


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