Synthesis methodology and software implementation system evaluation harm to national security in protection of state secrets


  • Олександр Григорович Корченко Національний авіаційний університет
  • Максим Георгійович Луцький Національний авіаційний університет
  • Марія В’ячеславівна Захарова Черкаський державний технологічний університет
  • Юрій Олександрович Дрейс Житомирський військовий інститут ім. С.П. Корольова Національного авіаційного університету



state secrets, damage assessment, the methodology of analysis and estimation of possible damage to national security, the protection of state secrets, the parameters of the damage


Attributing the information to the state secrets held by state expert on secrets by setting, justification and determination of possible damage to national security if such disclosure for a decision on their degree of secrecy. Existing means of calculating such damage is overwhelmingly based on a conditional (scoring) assess its predicted value. The paper presents the methodology for the synthesis of systems analysis and estimation of possible damage to national security that allows model-based integrated presentation of damage parameters obtained by existing analysis tools in the protection of state secrets, to assess the damage as in conventional (ball) units and in value (monetary) value of loss. Founded she developed method: analysis and assessment of damage to national security in the protection of state secrets, assessing the importance of information on certain areas of state secrets, determine the level of competence of the expert committee members at state expert on secrets. In addition, the methodology enables to display the results in both qualitative and quantitative form, for example, using linguistic variables that are often used to describe complex systems. Software implementation of the system with an integrated database of existing tools allows an analysis and estimate of the possible damage to national security with additional automated reporting its results.

Author Biographies

Олександр Григорович Корченко, Національний авіаційний університет

Professor, Doctor of Science in Eng., Head of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University.

Максим Георгійович Луцький, Національний авіаційний університет

Doctor of Science in Eng., Professor of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University.

Марія В’ячеславівна Захарова, Черкаський державний технологічний університет

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor, Head of Academic Department of informatics and IT-Security, Cherkasy state technological university

Юрій Олександрович Дрейс, Житомирський військовий інститут ім. С.П. Корольова Національного авіаційного університету

teacher in information and communication systems department of the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Koroleva of the National Aviation University.


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