About the network PES 16-8, consisting of eight round function


  • Гулом Нумонович Туйчиев National university of Uzbekistan




Feystel network, scheme Lai–Massey, encryption, decryption, encryption algorithm, round, round function, round keys, output transformation, block, subblock, multiplication as modulo, addition as modulo, multiplicative inverse, additive inverse


In the paper develop network PES16-8, consisting of eight round functions. This network is created using the structure of block cipher algorithm PES. In the network PES16-8, similar Feistel network with encryption and decryption uses one algorithm and as the round functions can use any transformation. In the network PES16-8 length of subblock is 8, 16 and 32 bits and basis on the network can create the encryption algorithm a length of subblock 128, 256 and 512 bits. In a network PES16-8 algebraic operations are variable, as these operations can use the operations of addition and multiplication modulo and XOR.

Author Biography

Гулом Нумонович Туйчиев, National university of Uzbekistan

PhD, Assossiate Professor, National university of Uzbekistan


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