The method of a-level of nominalization for intrusion detection systems


  • Анна Александровна Корченко National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine)



cyber attacks, anomalies, fuzzy standards, a-level fuzzy numbers, intrusion detection systems, anomaly detection systems, attack detection systems, anomaly detection in computer networks


Modern facalities which are used for cyber attacks detec-tion in low defined partially formalized environment have a number of limitations. As part of this goal, the appro-priate technical solutions are developed for intrusion detection systems, where the basis is the method for anomalies detection caused by cyber attacks in infor-mation system. In this method the process of transfor-mation of standards and current fuzzy numbers requires the precise formalization. To overcome this limitation, a method which is based on mathematical models and methods of fuzzy logic and is implemented through three basic stages: formation of a-levels which is equivalent to the conversion of fuzzy numbers, the formation of ge-nerelized tables and graphical interpretation of nominal-ized fuzzy numbers. The method enables to formalize the process of -level intervals formation to get the equiva-lent transformation of standard and current fuzzy num-bers, which in turn will make it possible to define the identifying terms that indicate the current state of the environment and increase the efficiency of corresponding intrusion detection systems.

Author Biography

Анна Александровна Корченко, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor of IT-Security Academic Department, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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