Design method and evaluation of the working single technical protection information on the selected direction of hacking


  • Борис Евгеньевич Журиленко National Aviation University



single technical information protection, protection design, probability break-in probability distribution surface, break-in probability maximum distribution surface


This paper shows an alternative to the known methods, the ability to design and evaluate a single technical information protection (TZI) in the chosen direction of hacking. Namely, the possibility of constructing a TZI according to the selected parameters: the direction and the necessary attempt to hack or the necessary selected attempt and its time to hack is shown. Using the proposed method for designing and evaluating a single TZI according to the selected parameters of hacking, one can obtain the distribution surface of the probability of breaking into the protection and the distribution surface of the maximums of the probability of breaking, the effectiveness of the chosen protection, the necessary financing for this type of protection, the risks of investment losses and risks of general financial losses. The obtained parameters of information protection can be compared with the required design parameters and determine their compliance with the specified TZI. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications, it is necessary to choose a different type of protection and use this method to calculate new protection parameters. When assessing a working TZI, according to the real, experimentally recorded, direction of hacking and the designed TZI, it is possible to determine the probabilistic reliability of a single working defense, as well as at what attempt and time its real physical hacking is possible. Based on the results of the analysis of the state of the working TZI, a decision is made to extend the work, replace or modernize the existing information protection. The paper presents a calculation method with specific selected parameters for designing and evaluating a single TZI in the chosen direction of hacking. Charts have been built for specific protection and hacking parameters, with the help of which the possible attempt and time of this attempt to break the TZI have been determined. Using a graphic illustration shows the physical process of hacking information protection.

Author Biography

Борис Евгеньевич Журиленко, National Aviation University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, assistant professor of automation and energy management of the National Aviation University


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Б. Журиленко, "Определение вероятностной надежности единичной технической защиты информации из реальных попыток взлома", Безпека

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Б. Журиленко, "Оценивание финансовых затрат

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Б. Журиленко, Моделирование процесса взлома

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