The software for the formation of parameters etalons for cyber-attacks detection systems


  • Анна Олександрівна Корченко National Aviation University
  • Олег Володимирович Заріцький National Aviation University
  • Тарас Іванович Паращук National Aviation University
  • Володимир Вячеславович Бичков National Aviation University



attacks, cyber attacks, anomalies, intrusion detection systems, attack detection systems, cyberattack detection systems, detection of anomalies in information systems


The overwhelming majority of intrusion detection systems become an integral part of the protection of any network security, they are used to monitor suspicious activity in the system and detect an attack by an unauthorized party. Ac-tivating of cyberattacks initiates the creation of special technical solutions that can remain effective when new or modified types of cyber threats appear with unidentified or unclearly defined properties. The majority of such systems are aimed to detect suspicious activity or interfering in the network to take adequate measures to prevent cyber at-tacks. Current systems for detecting intrusions are those that are aimed to identify abnormal states, but they have a number of disadvantages. More effective in this regard are expert approaches based on the use of knowledge and experience of specialists in the relevant subject field. The construction of technical solutions and the creation of special tools (for example, software for detection systems that allow detection of previously unknown cyber attacks by controlling the current state of unclear parameters in a poorly formalized environment, based on expert approaches, is a promising area of research. Based on the well-known cyberattack detection system which is based on the methodology for detecting anomalies generated by cyber attacks and the set of appropriate methods and models, software provided by the basic algorithm and a number of developed procedures (grid construction, initialization of values based on a set of databases and modules; graphic forming of parameters, search of common points in ac-cordance with the basic rules and graphic interpretation of the result) allows to automate the process of forming parameters etalons for modern attack detection systems and display the results of detecting abnormal states at a given time interval.

Author Biographies

Анна Олександрівна Корченко, National Aviation University

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University

Олег Володимирович Заріцький, National Aviation University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University

Тарас Іванович Паращук, National Aviation University

student of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University

Володимир Вячеславович Бичков, National Aviation University

National Aviation University, Academic Department of Information Technology Security, senior lecturer


Газета.ru. Вымогатели терроризируют интернет [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: https://www. (дата звернення 20.08.2018).

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