Methodology for the construction the system of state information security providing in social networking services


  • Руслан Валентинович Грищук Sergey Korolyov Military Institute
  • Катерина Валеріївна Молодецька-Гринчук Zhytomyr National Agroecological University



social networking service, actor, state information security, threats, synergetic control, methodology


Social networking services (SNS) have become one of the most popular media outlets in a result of the introduction advanced information technologies in all spheres of social activity. Consequences of conducting information operations in the SNS can be manifestations of national enmity, the growth of protest sentiment and the transition of the virtual community to the chaotic interaction dynamics. The uncontrolled spread of such phenomena in the real life of a society poses is a threat to the state information security (SIS). Therefore, the development of an effective and efficient methodology for the constructing a system for SIS providing in SNS to counter the external and internal threats is an actual theoretical and applied task. The proposed methodology is divided into three stages - monitoring text content in the SIS, identifying and evaluating the signs of threats, making decisions on measures to counter identified threats to the SIS in the SNS. Detection the signs of SIS threats is realized on the basis of the establishment of partial features of their manifestation - organizational, informative, manipulative and building profiles of actors' information security. In order to counteract the identified threats, synergistic control is synthesized to provide a managed transition of the virtual community to a given state of the SIS. The effectiveness of the developed methodology is achieved by developing timely measures to identify and assess the threats of the SIS, using the natural peculiarities of the actors' interaction for the synthesis of controlling influence and the artificially-controlled transition to a definite state of the SIS in the SNS, which is especially relevant for Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Руслан Валентинович Грищук, Sergey Korolyov Military Institute

Dr. Eng. (Information security), Senior Scientific Advisor, Senior Research Officer, Cybersecurity Department of the Research Center of Sergey Korolyov Military Institute

Катерина Валеріївна Молодецька-Гринчук, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

PhD in Eng., associate professor of IT and systems modeling department, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University


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