Cryptographic method of defence of critical aviation informative systems


  • Сергій Олександрович Гнатюк National Aviation University
  • Василь Миколайович Кінзерявий National Aviation University
  • Берік Бахитжанович Ахметов Sh. Yessenov Caspian State University oh technologies and engineering
  • Каріна Сергіївна Кириченко National Aviation University
  • Кирило Петрович Ануфрієнко National Aviation University



cryptography, block cipher, linear cryptoanalysis, differential cryptoanalysis, information security


Providing of confidentiality of data is the important stage in the process of providing of cyber security of the critical aviation informative systems and aviation industry on the whole. Known methods do not allow to fully provide cyberattacks resistance to linear and differential cryptanalysis and the required speed of cryptographic data processing. Taking into account it, the cryptographic method of defence of the critical aviation information systems is in-process worked out. On the basis of this method, a block symmetric cipher Luna-2k17 was developed and its specification is given in the work. Also, the values of the upper estimates of parameters that characterize its practical stability to cyber attacks of linear and differential cryptanalysis are calculated. At equal terms, experimental studies are undertaken from the estimation of speed characteristics of ciphers, that showed that cipher Luna-2k17 more faster than a cipher GOST 28147-89 approximately in 3,11 times, than ciphers Kalina and AES in 1,271 times.

Author Biographies

Сергій Олександрович Гнатюк, National Aviation University

PhD in Eng, Associate Professor of IT-Security Academic Department, National Aviation University

Василь Миколайович Кінзерявий, National Aviation University

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor of IT-Security Academic Department, National Aviation University

Берік Бахитжанович Ахметов, Sh. Yessenov Caspian State University oh technologies and engineering

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor, rector of Sh. Yessenov Caspian State University oh technologies and engineering

Каріна Сергіївна Кириченко, National Aviation University

Postgraduate of the department of information technology security, National Aviation Uni-versity

Кирило Петрович Ануфрієнко, National Aviation University

PhD candidate of Academic Department of IT-security, National Aviation University


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