Research based on tools investigation of security risk assessment according to the information systems resources


  • Филипп Александрович Приставка National Aviation University
  • Петр Николаевич Павленко National Aviation University
  • Светлана Владимировна Казмирчук National Aviation University
  • Марина Вячеславовна Коломиец National Aviation University



information security, risk, risk assessment, analytic-synthetic tuple model, tools for information security risk assessment, threat, vulnerability, risk characteristics


One of the main stages of integrated systems construction for protecting information resources is risk assessment. Often, specialists of the companies to increase the efficiency of information security pay attention to the choice of adequate tools of information security risks assessment that will meet the relevant requirements. Nowadays there is a wide range of such tools. For their rational choice, a variety of risk assessment tools have been investigated to determine the set of necessary comparative characteristics. According to the mentioned means, taking into account the known analytical-synthetic tuple model of risk characteristics, a tuple is formed, which makes it possible due to the certain parameters, to unify the process of comparative analysis of such means. This will enhance the effectiveness of the choice implementation to solve the corresponding tasks of information security.

Author Biographies

Филипп Александрович Приставка, National Aviation University

Dr Eng, professor, head of applied mathematics department, National Aviation University

Петр Николаевич Павленко, National Aviation University

Dr Eng, professor, professor of information security means department, National Aviation University

Светлана Владимировна Казмирчук, National Aviation University

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor of IT-Security Academic Department, National Aviation University

Марина Вячеславовна Коломиец, National Aviation University

student, National Aviation University


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