Technology of construction and defence of the ukrainian segment of the identifiers’ tree of state informative resources on the basis of risk management


  • Олександр Костянтинович Юдін National Aviation University
  • Сергій Степанович Бучик Zhitomir Military Institute of the name of S.P. Korolyova



technology, state informative resources, tree of identifiers, risk, risk-management, risk level, knot of the information-telecommunication system


In the article a technology of construction and defence of the Ukrainian segment of the tree of identifiers of state in-formative resources on the basis of risk management is pre-sented for the first time. This technology is based on re-searches that were conducted by the authors before and are related to the first worked out methodology of construc-tion of a classifier of threats to the state informative re-sources; to the conducted analysis of the world tree of iden-tifiers of informative resources and to the place of the Ukrainian segment of identifiers of objects in it; to the structural-logical model of organization of hierarchical branch of codes-knots of the Ukrainian segment of identi-fiers of objects of public organs; to models and principles of informative safety worked out by the authors, methods and models of realization of control system of informative safety of the state informative resources; to worked out theoretical bases and methodology of analysis of risks of the tree of identifiers of state informative resources, to other works that are bound by the only aim - the develop-ment of the methodology of construction and defence of the Ukrainian segment of the tree of identifiers of the state informative resources. Introduction of this technology must become a unifying factor for generalization of expe-rience of construction of defence of the state informative resources in the country on the basis of risk management and approaches that do not conflict with international standards.

Author Biographies

Олександр Костянтинович Юдін, National Aviation University

D. of Engineering, professor. Member of expert and scientifically-methodical advice of Department of education and science of Ukraine in an area “Informative security”. Corresponding member of Academy of Connection of Ukraine. Laureate of the State bonus of Ukraine in area of SciTech. Director of Education and Research institute of computer information technologies the National Aviation University.

Сергій Степанович Бучик, Zhitomir Military Institute of the name of S.P. Korolyova

PhD in Eng., chief of department of automated control the system the Zhitomir Military Institute of the name of S.P. Korolyova.


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