
  • Н. Демченко Кафедра педагогіки та психології професійної освіти Національного авіаційного університету
  • Н. Литвинчук Кафедра педагогіки та психології професійної освіти Національного авіаційного університету



competence, communicative competence, future practical psychologists, professional training


The article deals with the conceptual theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of communicative competence of future practical psychologists, analyzes the structural components of communicative competence, which contain social-cognitive and communicative skills (listen to others, talk and convince, establish social contact, persuade others, suggest, etc.).

In addition, the article defines a meaningful characteristic of communicative competence and identifies ways of its formation.

The article describes the specific features of communication between a psychologist and a client, outlines the qualities and personal characteristics that are professionally meaningful and necessary for the successful professional activity of practical psychologists. Authors substantiate the importance of forming the communicative competence of future practical psychologists in the university for the purpose of a competitive activity in the future.

Therefore, considering the training of future practical psychologists it is necessary to focus on the formation of communicative competence as a component of the professional competence of the psychologist, as well as the creation of a system of professional skills that allow to achieve professional success, self-realization, acquisition of a professional culture of communication, professional intuition, and reflection.


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