
  • Л. Г. Конотоп Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка



philosophy, religion, religious experience, religious consciousness, man, personality-semantic nature, society, spirituality, orientations, values


Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of religious consciousness, religious experience in their relationship with human subjectivity. The urgency of this problem lies in the fact that the present of Ukraine demonstrates the spread of non-traditional religious cults and movements that, in some cases, they are destructive. The aim and the tasks. The issue of the formation of the personalsemantic nature of man, his values and meanings, his orientations and life orientation becomes especially important. In this regard, the concept of "living space" of a person is introduced. The following research methods were used: the method of historicism, the interdisciplinary method, the structural one, as well as the phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches. Research results. Undoubtedly, in one article it is difficult to reveal the multidimensionality of this problem, but it is possible to raise the question of the relevance of the study of modern religious consciousness. We are talking about the possibility of developing a methodology for the study of religious consciousness and religious experience, the disclosure of the processes of the formation of religious consciousness both at the individual level (within the limits of human subjectivity) and at the level of society. Discussion. The general methodology of research of religious consciousness, religious experience in different historical periods is the philosophical and social theory, which formulates the principles of comprehension of the development of society as a whole. The main methodological requirement in the study of religious consciousness is to consider the history of this phenomenon as part of the history of society. Conclusion is formulated that modern religious experience includes both cognitive-affective and regulatory levels. The study of the semantic "workload" of religious experience implies a thorough analysis of a person’s subjectivity, his unique focus and biography, and internal determinants. In addition, religious experience is the "quintessence" of mental, cultural, social and other characteristics of man and society.

Author Biography

Л. Г. Конотоп, Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка

професор кафедри релігієзнавства


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