
  • Анастасія Іванівна Виноградова Національний авіаційний університет




judiciary, court, court apparatus, corps of judges, staffing, qualified personnel, court staff, optimization, justice


The purpose of the scientific article is to study the current state of the staffing of the courts of Ukraine and identify existing problems in the state personnel policy of the judicial branch in the context of judicial reform. Methods: to achieve a specific goal, methods of documentary analysis and synthesis were used; comparisons generalization and abstraction; cognitive-analytical method; systems approach. Results: the analysis of the staffing procedure for the courts of Ukraine in the context of judicial reform has been carried out, some suggestions have been made on ways to improve staffing planning in the judicial system. Discussion: there is an acute shortage of judicial personnel and qualified court staff in the country, the lack of a clear systematic approach to recruitment, which poses serious problems in ensuring the implementation of the principle of access to justice, guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine, the right to defense, effective judicial proceedings and consideration of cases in reasonable terms.

The effectiveness of all democratic institutions largely depends on the quality of the judiciary. The effective operation of the judiciary is a guarantee of access to justice, proper protection of the rights protected by law, the interests of individuals and legal entities, a guarantee of public confidence in the court. Currently, in the context of long-term judicial reform, the issue of proper staffing of courts remains unresolved, there is a «staff shortage» in the courts of Ukraine, there is a lack of judges with the power to administer justice. judicial power, imperfection of methods for determining the optimal number of judges and the number of court staff in accordance with the workload, the lack of mechanisms for operational equalization of the workload of judges and employees, which reduces the quality of justice. Thus, the identified problems of personnel policy in the current state of development of the judicial system of our country, which need immediate solution to strengthen the organizational unity of the judiciary, ensure the proper administration of justice and increase public confidence, necessitate research on court staffing, its relationship and impact on the judiciary.

Author Biography

Анастасія Іванівна Виноградова, Національний авіаційний університет

аспірантка юридичного факультету


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How to Cite

Виноградова, А. І. (2020). OPTIMIZATION STAFFING OF COURTS. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(55), 68–74. https://doi.org/10.18372/2307-9061.55.14777

