Information war protection from destructive informational and psychological influences. Part 2


  • Володимир Олексійович Хорошко Національний авіаційний університет
  • Юлія Євгеніївна Хохлачова Національний авіаційний університет



information war, information influence, information and psychological influence, information weapon, counteraction


In the course of the research, recommendations were made on the confrontation with the information warfare. The analysis of the factors of informational influence and counteraction of information weapons was conducted, as a result of which a number of possible actions were taken to counter the Russian information escalation in Ukraine in order to create a decent and adequate response to the information challenges of our time. The approach, which allows to defend the interests and interests of the state in the conditions of global informational influences, is offered. As the experience of recent armed conflicts shows, one of the most important mechanisms of the war is not only changes in the military affair, but also the information revolution, which is now experiencing the stage of formation. An example of large-scale use of information weapons is the information warfare conducted by Russia against Ukraine. There are many definitions of the term of information warfare today, but this article deals with the definition that is contained in Martine Libiki's work «What is an information war?». M. Libiki also identified seven types of information warfare (command and control, hacking, economic, psychological, reconnaissance, electronic and cyberwar) and four components of psychological warfare (undermining of the public spirit, demoralization of the armed forces, war of cultures, disorientation of the command). The provision of information security in the field of state and municipal management is based on a detailed analysis of the structure and content of management, as well as information processes and use in the management of relevant technologies. At the same time, the defining factors in developing the means of information weapons are the individual characteristics of man and society. In order to simulate the behavior of a person (or society), it is necessary to know exactly its individual characteristics and advantages. It has now become clear that the information fight is becoming a factor affecting the very war itself, its beginning, course and outcome. This is confirmed by Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Therefore, a very urgent problem of Ukraine's security is the development of a concept for the protection of the information and analytical framework for information control tasks. In the course of the study, recommendations were drawn up on the confrontation in the information warfare. The analysis of the factors of informational influence and countermeasures of information weapons is also carried out, which allows us to indicate what we think in order to counter Russia's information escalation in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Володимир Олексійович Хорошко, Національний авіаційний університет

професор кафедри безпеки інформаційних технологій

Юлія Євгеніївна Хохлачова, Національний авіаційний університет

доцент кафедри безпеки інформаційних технологій


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Cybersecurity & Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)