Sculpture orthodox tombstones.


  • Вікторія Феліксівна Ус Національний авіаційний університет



Sculpture, Small architectural forms, Gravestone, Sacred memorial plastics, Compositional features, Style features


The sculpture fund for the tombstones of the Kiev Necropolis, including the Lukianivsky Cemetery, is a rich but poorly researched material today. Samples of art of plastic art, namely sculpture, sacred monuments of the Lukyanovsky Memorial Reserve, many of which are in residual condition, are analyzed. Samples were analyzed and described. Their stylistic, compositional and semantic features, and metal sculptures are considered. It is confirmed that artistic and decorative and constructive forms of tombstones with sculptural finishes are unique examples of Ukrainian sacral culture. Emphasis is placed on the commonality of their compositional and technological qualities with statuary products that decorate landscape compositions, interiors, facades of urban buildings. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of the development of Orthodox tombstones of the period. Evolutionary changes in the development of sacred art, in particular the constructive, technological and artistic preferences of the period under the influence of factors of national tendencies, are highlighted. Systematic study of the shaping foundations of national memorial plastic is impossible without the study of masonry, which is based on centuries-old traditions of using stone in the manufacture of tombstones, sculptural compositions, columns, obelisks, crosses, icons, various samples of fine plastics. The heyday of domestic production of memorial stone products is in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A characteristic feature of the development of masonry at this time was the merger of folk figurative carvings and professional plastics, which defines additional components of the molding principles.

Author Biography

Вікторія Феліксівна Ус, Національний авіаційний університет

кандидат технічних наук, доцент кафедри дизайну інтер'єру ФАБД


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