Astronomical School’s Report, 2011, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 161–165
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UDC 523.6

The modeled estimate of angular size for young meteor showers radiant area

Bagrov A.V., Bolgova G.T., Kartashova A.P., Leonov V.A., Sorokin N.A.

Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia


In this paper the connection between meteor showers and comets is considered. Numerical modeling of comet nuclei desintegration process was applied to get the theoretical estimates of geometry characteristics for modeled meteor showers. The model cosidered the range of particles escape velocities from 0.1 to 100 m/s. To simplify the calculations the particles escapes were considered at three points along the orbit: at aphelion, at perihelion and at 1 AU from the Sun. The difference between modeled characteristics of meteor showers and their observational values is discussed.

Keywords: numeric modeling of comet nuclei desintegration


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