Astronomical School’s Report, 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1-2, Pages 218–225
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UDC 524.523–36

Methods of determination of the abundance of oxygen in HII regions. Oxygen abundance distribution in disks of spiral galaxies

Shkvarun R.V., Pilyugin L.S.

Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine


The analysis of different methods of determination of the abundance of oxygen in HII regions of the Galaxy have been derived. Recently offered P-method well coordinated with Te-method, and R23-method gives a big regular error. Oxygen abundances in HII regions of spiral galaxies have been derived through the P-method using published spectrophotometric data. The values of the radial oxygen abundance gradients were determined. The search for a global asymmetry in oxygen abundance distributions over the disks of galaxies was carried out. We do not find a significant signs of global asymmetry with one exception. Distribution of the abundance of oxygen in disks of the investigated galaxies are azimuthal-symmetric.



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