Astronomical School’s Report, 2000, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 109–112
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UDC 521.113.28; 528.242.281

Definition of geographical breadth of district by the measuring of horizontal coordinates of the sun

Rachkovs’ky O.M., Kris’kov Ts.A.

Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Ukraine


The method of definition of geographical breadth of district of a terrestrial surface in any time of day on measurements with the help theodolite of horizontal coordinates (h, A) of the centre of the Sun is described. By results of measurements and meanings of declination of the centre of the Sun on the moment of supervision is under construction a parallaxis triangle. Its decision gives the formula for calculation of geographical breadth. The application of this method has shown, that average meaning of breadth of Kamianets-Podilsky is 48°42'±6'.



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