Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 157–162
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UDC 523.352

KIT – automated small telescope

Romanyuk Ya.O., Vidmachenko A.P.

Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine


At the end of the 20th century the manufacturing technology of light receivers based on CCD matrix got rapid development. Due to with the spread of these devices the creation of automated telescopes has started. This paper describes the main categories of robotic telescopes and their surveillance capabilities, and are examples of some of them. More details describes one of the first small automated telescopes developed in Ukraine – Kyiv Internet telescope and presents some observational results obtained with it. Now the telescope is widely used in applications of scientific observations of exoplanets, eclipsing binary stars, asteroids, distant comets and other celestial objects and for educational purposes.

Keywords: automated telescope; astronomical CCD observations; control software


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